Ian King has spent a lifetime seeking solutions to challenges faced by athletes and others in the physical preparation world. From this search for solutions has arisen the one of the greatest collections of original and unique innovations generated by one person in any discipline.
As you will learn by reading this book, most of these innovations were tested and refined for periods up to a decade before releasing. No other single coach in modern physical preparation has produced such a long list of original innovations that have truly shaped the way the world trains!
In fact some may be surprised to learn the true source of these ideas, ideas that have now become accepted as common-place throughout the world. The aim of this book is to collate many of these innovations, providing a single source from which to gain insights into the conceptual legacy of Ian King. This book takes you to the source of many of the most influential training innovations in the world, providing you with:
• A collection of Ian King’s original and unique training innovations that have shaped the world of physical preparation
• Insights into the experiences that influenced and shaped the development of these ideas
• The original writings where the intent of each concept is explained in a way that shows the true intent of the idea
• Insights into the responses and impact these innovations had in the short term and the long term It could be said that the training of people around the world have been influenced more by this legacy than by any other single person.
What others have said about the ‘Legacy’ book!
Ian’s life-long commitment to building an unprecedented physical development legacy shines like no other I have seen. Years and years of passion, belief, focus and commitment to producing the greatest physical results with some of the most dedicated coaches and athletes around who demand nothing but the best. From every strength exercise you have performed, every stretch, or injury you have or have had – the values and beliefs you have developed toward the whole training triangle are challenged to an extent that demands change. Thank you Ian King!–Anthony
Educational material like no other! I truly appreciate your contributions to this industry that reach far beyond it–Ryan
I always enjoy learning from highly accomplished coaches and with your 30+ years of training at the elite level, I can’t think of anyone who can better teach it.–Sean
I have learnt a lot from KSI and there is much more to learn. There is information here you don’t find anywhere else. I definitely recommend this to any fitness enthusiast/coach/trainer of any level!—Carl
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