This DVD discusses many variables of the power snatch and their ramifications on the training effect. Starting out with the best way to learn the lift – from top down or bottom up.
Teaching issues such as how to identify common faults and drills to use correct these faults. The difference between a muscle snatch, power snatch and snatch – and how, why and when to use each variation. Exercises to support continued progress in the power snatch (snatch pulls, snatch high pulls, speed shrugs etc). Variations in starting positions (standing on blocks, off ground, off blocks, hang below and hang above) and when and why to use them. Technical options to support the more advanced lifter. Management issues such as warm-up, stretching, warm-up sets, arousal and recovery.
Safety issues such as chalk, tape on fingers and bar selection. If you currently power snatch, or want to learn the most explosive lift you will probably ever do, you need this resource to ensure your lifting technique is safe and effective!
Don’t pass up this opportunity to spend over an hour with Ian on the power snatch!
Forget loading. When you have technique down, progress up in loading. As soon as you reach your technical limit, where the load causes technique to alter, forget load again and reinforce technique. This cycle continues and never really stops. The only difference is that as you gain years of experience, the time focused on technique is reduced and the time focused on loading increases.—Ian King in the book Ask the Master
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