Huddle #32 – Wanting to know the why of training, not just the what

Todd Wilkins joined the US Military at the age of 17 years and training has played a been big part of his life.  Some are happy to just train; others want to know the ‘why’ of training. Todd is one of those with a thirst to know why.

Ten years ago as part of his search for answers, he reviewed all the strength training books in two local libraries and settled on the Book of Muscle, in which he found effective programs. This led him to seek out Ian King and KSI.

Fast forward 10 years Todd’s search for knowledge has led him to complete the KSI Level O course and to continue on his path of learning through KSI!

As a dad Todd is also driven by a desire to lead his kids to optimal training that serves their lives, not detracts from it.

You can learn a lot about training – speed, strength, endurance, plyometrics, optimal long term development for the young athlete – and much more from listening to this huddle between Todd W and Ian King!

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