Huddle #45 – Chat with Cathy Millen, former 5x World Champion Powerlifter

Cathy’s powerlifting career started when she was 14 years old, and wanted to improve her tennis & heard that the top girls in her age group were weight training. By the time she was 16 years old, she had accumulated Open NZ & Commonwealth Records and represented NZ in her first Women’s World Championships (no Juniors back then).

At 24 she won her first Open World Championships breaking her first World Record in the Squat of 230kgs. Grahame Fong was her coach and was instrumental in helping her achieve greatness in Power Lifting until she retired in 1994, with 5 World Championships and many records to her name! Including a notation in the ‘Guinness Book of World Records’ for 11 consecutive WR’s spread out over 3 weight classes!

Cathy is arguably the most accomplished female powerlifter to come out New Zealand!