if someone is using a cancer story or similar to promote themselves…  

Belle Gibson admits lies http://a.msn.com/09/en-au/AAbxp2B

What do you think about a person lying about their cancer story to promote themselves?

Personally, I think it’s unacceptable for any person to use a fraudulent cancer story to promote themselves. In fact, I think its unacceptable for a person to promote themselves on cancer at all.

I suspect that the majority of people would think it’s few would ever question a person who made these claims, especially a person who has used stories such as these to create a large marketing perception of their greatness.

If nothing else, this incidence of fraudulent claims surrounding cancer provides an excellent wake-up call.

For anyone who has experienced the impact of real people having real cancer it’s tough to watch this behavior, where a person is fraudulently using cancer claims to promote their personal agendas.

To quote the interviewee in this clip “That’s how frauds get just often away with their behavior – that no one is on guard or responsible to make that person accountable….”.

I believe it is great that she stepped up and acknowledged the deception. It will stop people becoming victims to the lie, and remind all to review cancer claims before accepting them.

Real cancer affecting real people is a struggle that should not be exploited by those willing to lie, cheat and steal to achieve their personal objectives.

I believe that the moral of the story is – if someone is using a cancer story or similar to promote themselves, worth scratching below the surface….