Entries by Ian King

Coach, Trainer or Ambulance Chaser?

In 1997 I published a book titled ‘Winning and Losing’, aiming to share the lessons of my prior two decades of professional experiences. One of those was that I felt physical preparation coaches should be more focused on injury prevention and rehabilitation, not just performance enhancement.  Additionally, the 1990s strength coaching focus was on how […]

Huddle #62 – Former suburban PT turned international traveller

Most PTs work in one location, a suburb within their hometown, at best they may get to a regional or national conference on occasion. So how did this former suburban PT get to take three international trips in a little over 12 months? What drove him to do this? What did he do to facilitate […]

Rhabdo – The New Black

Mike would not be happy In the late 1990’s a member of the Tufts University in Boston Massachusetts reached out to me. As a result of that initial email exchange, he first attended a live seminar with me in his home city in 2000,  and from there attended every professional development opportunity held in the […]

Principles – The North Star of Physical Preparation

The enduring power and importance of training principles Before maps and compasses, humans would look for guidance when travelling, typically seeking them from stars that were consistent in their visibility.   Even in the more modern times, these same stars provide an enduring back-up system to travellers. One can liken training to travelling. The purpose of […]

Does exercise accuracy matter?

Introduction When speaking to physical trainers, therapists and other aligned professionals as I travel on the quest to answer the question ‘What is the best way to train?’, I appreciate learning from them. What they think, what they say, and what they do with athletes and clients. This journey has involved the privilege of travelling […]

Forever 59

This weekend, in the rural Victorian (AUS) town of Wonthaggi, athletes will be suiting up, warming up, and putting their best efforts out there in Round 1 of the Australian MX National Championships.  In most years this would just be another season start. However, this event is made more significant because it was at this […]

A score of declining performance

The 2023 Rugby World Cup performance ranked as the Australian ‘Wallabies’ worst performance in the ten World Cups to date in the competition’s relatively short history. Australia failed to advance out of Pool C, winning only two games and finishing 3rd in the pool.  The commentary from all levels of rugby, both within and outside […]

Huddle #61 – Chat with Slovenian physical preparation coach Matic Bevcar

Matic Bevar, like many of his colleagues, chose to study sports science at university because of his love of sports. After graduating Matic went to work in a local fitness facility in his rural hometown in Slovenia.  Perhaps like many of his colleagues, he was not sure if what he learnt in class totally prepared […]

Thanks Tommy

In a quiet rural cemetery outside of Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, United States, lay the remains of Tommy ‘The Duke Morrison’.  Tommy is considered one of the most tragic stories in top-level US boxing. I believe his journey provides a great roadmap for all athletes especially those at the level where fame and fortune come knocking. […]