Entries by Ian King

Players turned coaches have a short memory  

After having watched a player I formerly trained in a team sport for many years become a coach and appear to err in the same over-training ways he would have complained about as a player under my guidance, I formed a hypothesis that many players who were trained in an optimal environment suffer short term […]

Corporate integrity and a changing US?  

The recent furore over the petroleum company BP oil spill impact on the US natural environment, lifes lost, and economic damage, is dominating news in the US. And so it should. But it raises a few questions. Firstly, based on my reading ‘Confessions of Economic Hitman’ (book), energy companies (including US ones) have been devasting other […]

Reflections on a trip around the world of physical preparation  

I want to share briefly with you some of the things that really stood out to me during my recent around the world trip. Firstly the difference between the sporting industry and the fitness industry. As my background is mainly in sport, I naturally have an affinity with the athlete and coach, and really enjoy […]

A lone voice in a sea of hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil  

I just stumbled upon this post at an internet forum: http://tnation.tmuscle.com/free_online_forum/diet_performance_nutrition_supplements/warp_speed_fat_loss_ultimate_diet_20 07-12-2008, 05:31 AM Bricknyce Level 1 Join date: Nov 2002 Location: New York, USA Posts: 2702 His Fitness Bible also seemed like a plagiarized Get Buffed! (Ian King). Unfortuntately, I spent 100 bucks on it. Anyone want it for 50? ***** Three long pages […]

The publications that I have worked hardest on in my career  

I written a lot of books. More than most. I know they are hard work, as any author would. However during 2009 I worked harder on a publication than I have ever worked before on any publication. The tragic thing was that my time and energy was not being directed to sharing with the world […]

More than a decade behind the times  

10 years after I promoted unilateral leg training including the Bulgarian squats on the same web site, another article promising ‘a faster, safer way to increase lower-body muscle size and strength’ is published (Build Bigger Legs, One at a Time). The Bulgarian squat, of course given a new name on this occasion, was touted for […]

The NSCA and Ethics  

I have been a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (America) since about 1982. In the years that they used to issue annual membership wall certificates, I framed mine and placed them up on the wall with pride. They went from about 1982 to about 1990. It was only when they stopped issuing […]

The Legacy World Tour  

Singapore Wed 28 Apr Dublin Fri 30 April Dublin Sat 1 May Innsbruck Sun 2 May Innsbruck Mon 3 May London Wed 5 May Toronto Fri 7 May Boston Sat 8 May tbc Sun 9 May Learn from the source the theories and methods that have influenced and shaped the world of physical preparation, from […]