What’s missing? The repetitive boom and bust cycle of fitness business models

It looks like the Australian originated, global fitness franchise F45 is getting very wobbly at the business end. Can’t say I’m surprised, but it’s disappointing. Disappointing for those who have chosen to  put their careers, businesses, and money into this path. Some background to boom and bust. The fledging fitness industry was very young in […]

Understanding Plyometrics – A guide for athletes & coaches

Introduction The popularity of the training method commonly known as ‘plyometric training’ is evident in nearly all sports, and at all levels of competition today.  We have travelled from a time during the seventies and early eighties of limited awareness and open scepticism, to a time during the late eighties and early nineties where athletes […]

The origin and intent of Speed of Movement (SOM) and Time Under Tension (TUT)

Introduction I began my professional journey training athletes in 1980, and in the 1980s was also personally involved in competitive strength sports.  At that time there were a number of burning questions I had about training including questions about optimal speed of movement in strength exercises I was not satisfied conducting the speed of movement […]

The athlete and boiling water – how the lessons are lost

There is an old fable that a frog in water where the temperature is being slowly raised will not jump out of the water, as the changes to their detriment are slow. Compared to a frog suddenly placed in boiling that may realize this is not a healthy place to be. It appears to me […]

A lament for the late arrivals

In the modern history of athletic preparation, there has been growing consideration for physical preparation. What the Americans call ‘strength & conditioning’. It may not be accurate to suggest that physical preparation is a new concept. The interpretation of the stories of the Greek athlete Milo of Croton from 6th BC gives support to a […]

Still hamstrung, after all these years

The story goes that back in about the 1970s two high level bodybuilders agreed to a sprint race, and during that sprint race they both tore hamstrings. This story entertained many, however I took a more serious lesson from it. Combined with my observations of the shift in posture from the 1960s to the 1970s […]

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